(1) Required for statistical purposes only.
Your username will be used to display your entry on the scoreboard.
Min 6 character password with a number & special character @#!$%^& *() eg. myword#1
(2) Required for registration confirmation and password reset purposes.
Before you continue, please note that the nature of the platform has been changed to that of a competition. Please read the below carefully and answer accordingly.
- I am a member of the general public who is a South African citizen or resident of South Africa.
- I am not a high school or higher education learner/student.
- I am not a professional trader or work for a stockbroking firm, asset management or wealth management institution.
- I am not a director, officer, employee, contractor, agent or consultant of the JSE Limited or their spouse, life partner, business partner or immediate family member.
I acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions of the VTG competition and the processing of my personal information submitted in the registration for the VTG competition in accordance with the JSE’s Privacy Policy.